Read the following instructions before filling up the form :
This online submission of RTI application system can be used by Indian citizens to file RTI application online and also to make payment for RTI application online.
At present, an applicant who desires to obtain any information under the RTI Act can make a request through this Web Portal to the Government Departments, Directorates, Head of Offices and all the Public Authorities.
Both General/BPL categories applicant should submit photo Copy of ID proof.
The fields marked * are mandatory while the others are optional.
The specific details of information required may be written at the prescribed column, it can be uploaded as an attachment, by using column "Attachment". File types allowed for upload need to be in doc/pdf/xls/jpg format.
Internet banking through SBI and other nationalized banks; Using debit card of SBI. Over the counter of SBI, Axis, Canara, HDFC, ICICI, Indian Overseas, PNB, UCO and Union Bank of India.
After making payment, an application can be submitted.
No RTI fee is required to be paid by any citizen who is below poverty line (BPL). However, the applicant must attach a copy of BPL card or a certificate issued by the appropriate government in this regard, along with the application.
The payment of application fee by the applicant can be made through other modes of deposit like; Cash, IPO, Treasury Challan, Bank Draft, MO etc. along with his/her computer generated online acknowledgment receipt.
The application filed through this Web Portal would reach electronically to the "Nodal PIO" of concerned Department, who would take appropriate action on the RTI application.
The applicant has to submit the application online to the concern Public Information Officer (PIO). There is no need to submit hard copy or application by post or manually to the Public Information Officer. Separate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Citizens, PIOs and FAAs is given below for reference.
In case of any doubt/ difficulties/ quires necessary clarification may be sought for by email- or by contacting in the phone No- 9238104446, 0674-2391356 on any working day between 10.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M.
In case additional fee is required representing the cost for providing information, the PIO would intimate the applicant through this portal. This intimation can be seen by the applicant through Status Report or through his/her e-mail alert.
PIOs and Applicants are informed with auto e-mail through their e-mail IDs.
RTI CMM is a Central Monitoring Mechanism by Govt. of Odisha to ensure the implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005 at all public authorities of Govt. of Odisha. This is developed with an objective to provide single point access of all RTI related information catering to Section-4, Section-25 of RTI Act, 2005 in an uniform manner. This project is monitored by Department of Information & Public Relations, Govt. of Odisha [Nodal Department of Govt. of Odisha for RTI Implementation] in collaboration with Luminous Infoways. Content on this website is published by respective public authorities and managed by Information & Public Relations Department, Govt. of Odisha. For any query regarding this website please contact Web Information Leader : Sri Gurbir Singh, Additional Director(RTI), RTI Implementation, Odisha. e-mail: rti-ori[at]nic[dot]in.